Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I've been quiet this week...but not ungrateful. Please know how much your kind words and prayers and flowers and e-mails and messages have meant to me.
I've come to a place where I can remember and honor the tiny life I nurtured for nearly 11 weeks without letting the sorrow that comes with remembering consume me.
My sweet girl takes her cues from me and has been so sad with me. It breaks my heart to see her happy little face so melancholy. But things are turning up. We saw a teeny baby while out shopping and I was able to admire her without tearing up or feeling the urge to climb into bed and pull the covers over my head. :) So I'm feeling better and thinking of how many, many wonderful people in my life I have to be thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Two days ago I woke up as a pregnant woman. Today, I'm just a woman with an empty spot in my belly where our baby should be growing. I'm heartbroken and empty. I miss my littlest little and a future that will never be. I miss the potential of soft baby skin and sweet baby breath and snuggles and chubby rolls and slobbery kisses and first steps.
But I'm grateful for my sweet husband and beautiful children and wonderful friends and loving mama who came to take care of me yesterday while hubby was at work.